My zsh command-line approach to toggling my light/dark modes for the dev tools I use

In my ~/.zshrc I have the following:

# Function to change WezTerm, VSCode theme, and macOS appearance
change_themes() {
  local wezterm_theme=$1
  local vscode_theme=$2
  local macos_mode=$3
  local settings_file="$HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json"

  # Update WezTerm theme
  sed -i '' "s/^config\.color_scheme.*$/config.color_scheme = \"$wezterm_theme\"/" ~/.config/wezterm/wezterm.lua

  # Update VSCode theme
  sed -i '' "s/\"workbench\.colorTheme\": \".*\"/\"workbench.colorTheme\": \"$vscode_theme\"/" "$settings_file"

  # Update macOS appearance
  if [ "$macos_mode" = "dark" ]; then
    osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to tell appearance preferences to set dark mode to true'
    osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to tell appearance preferences to set dark mode to false'

alias light='change_themes "Alabaster" "Default Light+" "light"'
alias dark='change_themes "3024 (dark) (" "Panda Syntax" "dark"'

Then from any terminal app that’s using zshell and my normal zshell dotfile,

light to change my themes to Light mode.

dark to change the themes to Dark mode.

Obviously you can choose your own theme names in the aliases, and you can change the alias names as well. (Be sure to check which dark or whatever names you choose so you don’t shadow some other program with that name.)

Remember to source ~/.zshrc after you change your zshell config file so your changes are recognized in your current shell while setting this up.